Dear all,
Important information will be announced every month. All information will be in one place, transparent and always accessible.
This issue covers the activities planned for November, 2022.
You may follow the realization of our monthly activities on our website (www.kreativnopero.com) and social networks (Facebook FB Kreativno pero FB VOS Kreativno pero, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube).
We invite you to follow the program activities using the Google Calendar on ES Kreativno Pero site.
Testing of students, the 8th grade - Elementary school - Professional orientation
Elementary school
8th grade
11/3/ 2022
The principal of Kreativno pero Elementary School and the psychologist Gordana Kedžić will test the eighth grade elementary school students with a battery of tests for professional orientation on Thursday, November 3.
No prior preparation of students is required.
Outdoor Classroom Day
Group of Butterflies, Bees and Hummingbirds
Elementary School
I-IV Grade
Outdoor Classroom Day Day is a day when activities are organized outside, which encourages learning and play outside the classroom, as well as the cooperation of children of different ages.
On the occasion of marking this day, children and students of Kreativno pero will visit the park Košutnjak and enjoy activities in nature.
Realizers are educators and teachers of Kreativno pero.
Sending reports of the student’s progress
Elementary school
Day of educators
Elementary school
The Day of Educators is celebrated on November 8, the birthday of Vuk Karadžić, a great educator and reformer of the Serbian language. It is the day of teachers and professors who perform one of the most important jobs in the world - training children and young people, passing on their knowledge and skills.
As part of the literal workshop, students of the senior grades of elementary school and high school will have the opportunity to express themselves by writing papers in free form on the topic of Me as a teacher.
The organizers of the literal workshop are Serbian language and literature teachers Darinka Filipović and Stefan Todorović.
Inventors day
Elementary school
Inventors' Day is celebrated with the aim of social affirmation of invention and honoring inventors
On the occasion of marking this day, the students of the younger grades of Kreativno pero elementary school, students of the Gymnasium, members of the team at the International FIRST Global Olympiad in robotics will present the robot that was the subject of display at this year's competition.
The Serbian team won a total of ten of the twelve matches in which it participated, which is considered an exceptional success. The computer science teacher will present Arduino IDE compatible systems for students of the older grades of elementary school and high school. The Arduino IDE system can perform a wide variety of tasks: from regulating lighting effects on an art installation to managing the power of a solar energy system.
On this occasion, we sincerely thank the parent of the children who attend Kreativno pero, Mr. Bogdan Gavrilović, for the donation of these advanced software installations.
In the kindergarten, this day will be marked through interesting, pre-planned activities, along with familiarization with the most famous inventions from our area. The implementers of these activities are the teachers of Kreativno pero.
Visit to Japanese - Serbian Film Festival
I - IV Grade
The Japanese-Serbian Film Festival is an event aimed at cultural exchange that expands the field of artistic dialogue between two countries, regions or continents. Focusing mainly on film, but also on other visual arts, JSFF has a thematic program that allows creators from Japan, Serbia, but lately also from other countries and regions, to give their perspectives on a given topic.
Organized by Mrs. Božica Velousis, a writer, active member of the Association of Parents and member of the executive board of the Cultural and Educational Community of Serbia, students of Kreativno pero Gymnasium accompanied by their class teachers will visit this festival and enjoy the screening of films.
The Kreativno pero team thanks Mrs. Velousis for the organization and the wonderful gesture she prepared for the students of the Kreativno pero Gymnasium.
Public holiday - non-working day
Elementary school
Armistice Day in the First World War is commemorated in the Republic of Serbia as the Day of Germany's capitulation in the First World War. This is a public holiday and is observed off-duty.
The main motif for the emblem of this holiday is the flower of Natalija ramonda (after Queen Natalija Obrenović), which is an endangered species in Serbia. It is recommended that this emblem be worn on the lapel in the week preceding the holiday, as well as on the day of the holiday itself.
World Kindness Day
Elementary School
Children’s works Kreativno pero Kindergarten - World Kindness Day
On the initiative of the World Kindness Movement, a conference on kindness was held in Tokyo on November 13, 1998, and on that occasion a special declaration was made that talks about tolerance and acceptance of diversity.
On the occasion of the World Day of Kindness, educators and teachers will talk about kindness, empathetic listening, good behavior and good deeds with kindergarten children and students of younger grades of elementary school, through creative workshops.
World Kindness Day will be celebrated at Kreativno pero on November 14.
International Day of Tolerance
Elementary school
In 1995, UNESCO proclaimed the International Day of Tolerance as a day when the need for tolerance in society is highlighted and the negative effects of intolerance are pointed out. The importance of respecting, accepting and appreciating the wealth of diversity in world cultures is emphasized.
On the occasion of marking this day, thematic activities will be organized in Kreativno pero. Realizers are educators, teachers and English language teachers.
Social Network’s Day
Elementary school
VII and VIII grades
I-IV grade
In anticipation of the Day of Social Networks, which is celebrated on November 19, Senior Pedagogical Advisor Nevenka Kraguljac will hold an online lecture on the topic of Digital Violence for VII and VIII grade elementary school and high school students on November 22.
Invitation links will be forwarded in due course.
World Children’s Day
Elementary school
Children’s works Kreativno pero Kindergarten - World Children’s Day
World Children's Day is an annual international event celebrated on November 20. It was established by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1954 with the aim of celebrating it on the same day in all countries. It is designed to promote mutual interaction and understanding among children and the well-being of children in the world. This day is also celebrated to draw the public's attention to society's obligations towards children, as well as to the current problems that children face.
Kreativno pero will join the celebration of this important date on November 21, 2022.
World Television Day
Elementary school
Film povodom Naših 15 kreativnih godina “Zona Zamfirova”
In 1996, the United Nations declared November 21 as World Television Day, because then the first World Television Forum was held, where key media personalities gathered to talk about the growing importance of television.
On the occasion of celebrating this day, at the end of November, a Podcast on natural sciences in modern times will be recorded. The implementers of this project are physics teacher Andrija Ratković and kindergarten teacher Jelena Živanović, in cooperation with students of the 8th grade of elementary school and 1st grade of high school.
Thematic activities will be organized in the English language classes in the older grades of elementary school. The organizer is English language teacher Milica Pančevac.
Online lecture for parents - Digital violence
Elementary school
V-VIII grades
I-IV grades
7 pm
Senior pedagogical adviser Nevenka Kraguljac will hold an online lecture on the topic of Digital violence.
We invite all parents of elementary school students from fifth to eighth grade, as well as parents of Kreativno pero Gymnasium students, to attend this educational lecture.
Invitation links will be forwarded in due course.
Online lecture for parents - Children’s readiness to start with school
7 pm
Senior pedagogic advisor Nevenka Kraguljac will hold an online lecture on the topic of Children's readiness to start school.
We invite parents of kindergarten children to attend this educational lecture.
Invitation links will be forwarded in due course.
The month of the fight against addiction - November
Elementary school
V - VIII grades
I - IV grades
At the end of November, an online lecture on addiction diseases will be held for students of the older grades of elementary school and high school.
The lecturer will be Dr. Sanja Mihajlović, specialist in psychiatry.
The invitation link will be forwarded in due course.
Testing of preschoolers
In November, psychological testing of preschoolers will be conducted, which will determine the level of maturity of the child to start school.The testing will be done by the principal of Kreativno pero elementary school and psychologist Gordana Kedžić.
No prior preparation of the child is required.
Visit to the Vuk and Dositej Museum and the Cathedral Church in Belgrade
Elementary school
VIII grade
I-II grades
In the last week of November, as part of the determination of materials in the field of History of Language, a visit to the Vuk and Dositej Museum and the Cathedral Church will be organized for students of the 8th grade of elementary school, as well as for students of the 1st and 2nd grades of high school.
Students will go on the visit accompanied by their class teachers.