Dear all,
Important information will be announced every month. All information will be in one place, transparent and always accessible.
This issue covers the activities planned for March, 2024.
You may follow the realization of our monthly activities on our website (www.kreativnopero.com) and social networks FB Kreativno pero FB VOS Kreativno pero, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube).
We invite you to follow the program activities using the Google Calendar on ES Kreativno Pero site
Days of Francophonie
Primary School
March 2024.
The Month of Francophonie, a cultural event celebrating the French language and culture, will be marked in Serbia in March with numerous music, film, and visual arts programs.
Throughout March, a series of activities dedicated to Francophonie and the promotion of the French language and culture will be carried out at the school level. Students will create video clips and presentations dedicated to France.
The organizers of these activities are French language teachers.
Municipal Chess competition
Primary School
2. 3. 2024.
The municipal chess competition for primary school students will take place on March 2nd at Vojvoda Misić Elementary School.
Participants will be informed of the exact schedule in due time.
World Book Day
Primary School
3. 3. 2024.
On Monday, March 4th, in honor of World Book Day, this significant day dedicated to promoting reading for pleasure, through a love of books and communal reading, will be celebrated during Serbian and English language classes. The organizers are Serbian and English language teachers.
Creative workshops on the occasion of International Women's Day 2024.
Primary School
I-IV grades
8. 3. 2024.
At Kreativno pero, in anticipation of celebrating International Women's Day on March 8th, creative workshops for children's handcrafted surprises for moms, grandmothers, sisters, etc., will be organized.
The organizers of these workshops are preschool teachers, primary school teachers, and language teachers of English, French, and German.
Online lecture for parents - Parenting styles
Primary School
I-IV grades
13. 3. 2024.
19.00 P.M.
Senior pedagogical counselor, Nevenka Kraguljac, will hold an online lecture on parenting styles.
We invite all parents of students in grades one through four at Kreativno pero Elementary School to attend this educational lecture.
Invitation links will be sent out in due time.
Math competition Misliša 2024.
Primary School
14. 3. 2024.
10.00 A.M.
Misliša is the national mathematical competition for elementary and high school students (all grades), organized by the Mathematical Society Archimedes, will take place.
Here's an opportunity for students to test their mathematical skills!
The primary level of the competition will be held at Kreativno pero.
International mathematical competition Kangaroo without borders 2024.
Primary School
21. 3. 2024.
10.00 A.M.
The primary aim of the Kangaroo Without Borders competition is to popularize mathematics. The competition also aims to increase interest in mathematics and natural sciences, as well as to enhance logical and combinatorial thinking, comprehension of texts, and the application of acquired mathematical knowledge.
All students who wish to participate, from 1st grade of elementary school to th grade of high school, are welcome. Students worldwide, in over 90 countries, simultaneously contemplate the same problems and solve the same tasks.
The primary level of the competition will be held at Kreativno pero.
World Water Day
Primary School
22. 3. 2024.
This year’s topic World Water Day -is Water for Peace.
On the occasion of marking this day, Kreativno pero will organize a themed day aimed at raising awareness of the significance of this initiative for change. Preschool teachers, primary school teachers, and geography teacher Jelena Popović Rakočević will prepare engaging activities and presentations for children and students on this important day.
MOC for final exam for VIII Grade
Primary School
VIII grades
Čakorska 3
22 - 23. 3. 2024.
City competition in English language knowledge
24. 3. 2024.
You will be informed in due time about the exact location of the English language competition for high school students.
Winter skiing school in Kopaonik.
Primary School
IV - VI grade
24. 3 - 31. 3. 2024.
The winter skiing school for students in grades IV, V, and VI of Kreativno pero Elementary School will take place at Kopaonik from March 24th to March 31st, 2024.
The classes will be conducted by our physical education teachers, Branko Vitorović and Nebojša Milivojević, as well as licensed skiing instructors. Special groups will be formed: beginners, intermediate level, and more advanced skiers.