Newsletter May 2018

Dear parents,

you are reading the April edition of Newsletter

During this school year, each month, we are going to inform you about planned outings, competitions, open contests, charity events, parents’ meetings, open doors, medical examinations and other important events. Relevant information will be in one place, neat and always available. On the 25th of each month, you will receive the Newsletter. In this edition, we would like to inform you about the activities planned for May 2018.

You may follow the  realization of our monthly activities on our website (  and social networks (Facebook FB Kreativno pero  FB VOS Kreativno peroTwitterInstagramYoutube). 

We invite you to follow the program activities using the Google Calendar on ES Kreativno Pero site.


*If you have issues with viewing the whole page, click on View entire message at the bottom of the page so that you can read the whole newsletter.

Cambridge Center for Professional Development of Teachers

We are proud to inform you that our teachers Irina Damnjanovic, Sanja Miladinovic, Ivana Jeremic, Jelena Dinic under the leadership of team leader Mirjana Rasic successfully mastered the Teaching and Learning program and received Cambridge certificates. We are especially proud of Milena Radojkovic and Ivana Ivkovic whose work during this program was rated as the highest score - Distinction.

Psychological Testing Of Students

Primary School - 4th Grade

27. 4 - 27. 5. 2018.

Psychological testing of pupils of the 4th grade with the aim of determining the psychological maturity of students for enrollment in the 5th class will be carried out by psychologist Jelena Djukic Radivojevic

Annual photography of students and collective

Kindergarten, Primary School and Secondary School

27. 4. 2018.


Photographing of children, pupils and employees will be realized at the premises of Educational Institution Creative Pen, address: Tolstojeva 58.

Newsletter May 2018



National Holiday

Kindergarten, Primary School and Secondary School

1.5. and 2. 5. 2018.

On May 1st and 2nd, Educational Institution Creative Pen will not work due to national holidays.

The first working day is on Thursday, 3. 5. 2018.

Marking the School Day and Sports Day

12. 5. 2018.

School Day and Sports Day will be organized this year together at Avala mountain. Representative of the Association of Parents, Dragana Varda will be involved in the realization of the sports day together with the recreators from their playroom.

Newsletter May 2018





24. 5. 2018.

The pre-school group Kolibrici will film the movie The Wizard of Oz, which will be presented to their friends and parents at Bazar in June.

Newsletter May 2018


Entrance Examination For Bilingual Classes

8th Grade


10th Belgrade Gymnasium

The time of the exam admission is not yet defined. We'll let you know timely.


24. 5. 2018.

The Graduation celebration for students of the 4th grade of Secondary School will be held on May 24th, 2018. We will send you more information about the time and place of the celebration via e-mail.


Outdoor Teaching - Orasac

Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade

27. 5 - 3. 6. 2018.

3rd and 4th Grade

3. 6 - 10. 6. 2018.

Newsletter May 2018


Parent meeting about outdoor teaching in Oresac

Kindergarten and Elementary School 

14. 5. 2018

Tolstojeva 58


Completion Of The School Year For 8th Grade Students And Prom

31. 5. 2018.

The celebration of prom for pupils of the 8th grade of elementary school will be realized on May 31st, 2018. More information about the time and place of the celebration will be forwarded to you via e-mail.

Solo exhibition of artworks

1. 5. 2018  -  31. 5. 2018.

Viktor Donfrid, pupil of III/1 class

School Hall - Tolstojeva 58

Planned Departures In May

Primary School

4th Grade

26. 4. 2018.

A visit to the Public Aquarium and the Tropicarium will be organized


3rd Grade

3. 5. 2018.

Hippodrome Visit


4th - 8th Grade

4. 5. 2018.

One-day excursion - Castles of Vojvodina


3rd Grade


A visit to a respectable agricultural estate in Zemun


1st Grade

10. 5. 2018.


The first grade of primary school will visit the Palace complex

4th Grade

29. 5. 2018.

A walk and ambient lecture at Hyde Park will be organized


Secondary School

1st - 4th Grade

4. 5. 2018.

One-day excursion - Novi Sad


4th Grade>

17. 5. 2018.


Visiting the Botanical Garden

Taking the IGCSE exam in the Cambridge Program in June Examination Time


4. 5. 2018.

Mathematics (Without Coursework) Paper 22 (Extended) CODE 0580 / BY

11. 5. 2018.

Mathematics (Without Coursework) Paper 42 (Extended) CODE 0580 / BY

15. 5. 2018.

Foreign Language French, 11 Listening, 41 Writing CODE 0520/X

18. 5. 2018.

Foreign Language French, 21 Reading CODE 0520/X


Summer School Announcement

18. 6. 2018.

We inform you that from June 18th, 2018, the Summer School Kreativno Pero will start working. This year's summer school theme - Film shooting.

Newsletter May 2018